
Why should do cloud strategy

Why You Need A Cloud Strategy

The cloud has changed everything about business. It’s time to embrace the cloud strategy.


With this simple guide, you can keep your cloud strategy simple, flexible, and effective. Follow our step-by-step process to determine which cloud technologies your organisation should prioritise, mitigate the risks associated with doing so, and effectively communicate the strategy throughout your organisation.


A clear, unambiguous, and widely communicated cloud strategy is critical to an IT organization’s successful transformation. The creation and publication of a cloud strategy document serves to align the various teams across an enterprise to a unified plan that informs and guides cloud service adoption.


The development of a cloud strategy may appear daunting at first, but it should not be. It is not intended to be a precise, detailed set of instructions for every loosely defined “cloud” technology. Rather, it should be a clear, concise, high-level analysis of which cloud technologies your organisation should prioritise, along with recommendations for mitigating the risks associated with their adoption.

Why do you require a cloud strategy?

While many businesses have declared a “Cloud-First” strategy, not all have a well-defined strategy that communicates the “why,” “how,” or even “what” of cloud adoption. A cloud strategy is required to guide your organisation through the cloud transition by balancing expected benefits with safeguards to reduce risk exposure.


Without a strategy, business groups and users will adopt productivity-boosting solutions as they become available. This has already happened in many organisations in the form of “Shadow IT.” The lack of a cloud strategy leaves these teams with little direction for cloud service adoption, resulting in technology silos, non-standard solution implementations, non-optimized costs, and increased risk from poorly configured environments.

Who should develop a cloud strategy?

The “Cloud Architect” will define and communicate the cloud strategy in many organisations, working with leadership and business units, as well as security and technology teams. Several cloud technologies have already been adopted by some organisations in the absence of a cloud architect or a defined strategy.

What does a cloud strategy accomplish?

Determine the key benefits of cloud service consumption that apply to your organisation.


Determine which services will be built in-house and which will be consumed from a public cloud provider partner.


Share the approved service providers and related services. Identify the risks of using resources from an unapproved provider and the consequences of using unapproved services. Define and communicate the procedure for adding a service provider or service to an approved list.


Determine how your organisation will provide consistent policy and governance across multiple services and environments, as well as a consistent usage and management layer.


Determine the safeguards required to reduce risks to data privacy, service costs, resource availability, and other factors. Until these safeguards are in place, a “on-premises,” private cloud strategy is the best way to provide your users with the resources they require.


We’ve assisted successful organisations all over the world in developing and implementing cloud strategies that support their business goals. We invite you to learn more about how our team can help businesses with cloud strategies and migrations. And if you’re starting a cloud initiative, please contact us for advice. We’ll give you tried-and-true advice to get you started on the right track…right away.

To learn more about the advantages of custom software development, call Aagnia’s experts at +917540007581 or schedule a consultation online.

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