

5 key industries in need of IoT security

The Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging technology that connects everyday objects to the internet. It’s already changing our lives. But what does it mean for businesses?

Society is entering a new era marked by data creation and consumption as much as it is by the systems, infrastructures, and devices that produce data with the advent of the Internet of Things (IoT). In this new world, we are moving far away from conventional business models to ones that offer cost-efficiency, procedures that are improved, customers the newest experiences, or even all of the aforementioned. You can do that with the assistance of the Internet of Things application.


The IoT has incredible value-generation potential. It has the potential to radically reshape sectors and industries and open the door for brand-new business models. However, in order to fully realise its potential, businesses will need to look beyond their current business priorities and across their entire product lifecycles, with the aid of IoT-based projects.


Every aspect of their companies will need to be scrutinised through the lens of the customer experience. The Internet of Things (IoT) aims to connect every industry and every sector of the economy by connecting any device that can gather, send, or store data.

Manufacturing Industries:

IoT applications have many advantages for the manufacturing sector. It enables the production process to be watched and its weak points to be found. Additionally, it aids in preventing issues that might result in manufacturing process delays.

Intelligent Internet of Things (IoT) solutions raise production quality, guaranteeing high product and service reliability. Resource allocation can be optimised, and worker productivity and skill can be raised by using IoT software in the manufacturing industry.

A timely understanding of product manufacturing enables cost management, maintenance cost reduction, and product quality enhancement. Without entering the production facility, it can be done by remotely monitoring all of the production equipment.

Attacks on manufacturers can have a variety of motivations, including terrorism, extortion, and disruption. Targets include supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) systems, distributed control systems (DCS), programmable logic controllers (PLC), and human-machine interfaces (HMI).

Attackers have been known to direct their attacks on factory equipment PLCs rather than customer or accounting data. Attackers successfully took control of PLCs with hardcoded passwords before destroying the expensive machinery in their charge.


Healthcare is arguably the sector most dependent on IoT devices. Hospitals, clinics, and organisations that deliver vaccines are frequently targeted, and the reason is frequently not financial. It sometimes seems like sabotage. According to a recent Ponemon Institute study, IoT or medical devices were to blame for almost 25% of hospital data breaches. Hospital ransomware attacks more than doubled in 2021, endangering patient care and hospital revenue.


A COVID Task Force was established in 2020 by CISA, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, to assess risks to patient care and the operation of healthcare and vaccine entities. The Task Force discovered numerous risks to patient care and survival brought on by attacks that take advantage of unprotected IoT attack surfaces in hospitals. To physically secure healthcare facilities, these include medical devices as well as security cameras and access controls.


Josh Corman, the CISA Task Force’s chief strategist, declared that “The Internet of Medical Things is more brittle than we expect.” “Notably, before the pandemic, 85% of hospitals in the United States had no on-staff security personnel.”


Businesses and entrepreneurs are now interested in the Internet of Things. Here are some ways that IoT applications are enhancing healthcare:


Through effective data collection and management, the IoT can help lower the cost of medical services by managing patients off-site and preventing unneeded visits and hospitalisation.


Healthcare organisations can reduce waste and failures thanks to IoT-based products. The best way to reduce unnecessary tests and expensive imaging procedures is through data collection and analysis from work automation. Additionally, it lowers overall operating expenses.

By allowing therapists to spend less time tracking supplies, preventing hospital infections, and looking for medications, the IoT can also help improve management in the healthcare sector.


IoT solutions used in agriculture are referred to as “smart agriculture.” It is anticipated that farmers would find it simpler to use IoT sensors to improve practically every aspect of their work, from crop farming to livestock management.

One of the industries that can benefit the most from the Internet of Things is agriculture. It is also a sector of the economy that is constantly in need of technological advancement. It therefore embraces IoT and makes use of it to maximise its advantages.

Supply chain & logistics:

transport method Despite the high stakes in the freight, rail, and maritime shipping industries, where fleet, vessel, and traffic management systems are essential, IT security has lagged behind that of other industries. In 2017, the NotPetya attack against the Ukrainian government caused collateral damage to the shipping company Maersk. For two weeks, Maersk struggled to move containers and ships and was effectively paralysed globally.


IoT-connected traffic signalling systems with road sensors and LIDAR are used on roads, as are self-driving cars. For traffic management, power supply, maintenance, and station control systems, railways rely on IoT. There is work to be done if IoT security starts with device visibility. In large and medium-sized organisations, complete device visibility is frequently lacking.


As IoT grows, everything is becoming digital. Smart cities, smart homes, and even smart cars are becoming more popular. By reducing operational costs and increasing productivity with real-time data, IoT benefits businesses and enables them to make better business decisions.


Hotels can easily use IoT to complete a number of tasks like designing highly customised rooms, managing the temperature and ventilation in the space, anticipating device repairs and maintenance, alerting maintenance staff when necessary, etc.


The IoT also has the greatest potential to transform an organization’s culture, transforming it from one that merely produces goods to one that provides customised services.

Important conclusions:

There has been a worldwide rush to deploy billions of devices as a result of IoT’s growth. Large fleets of connected devices have been accumulated by businesses in key industries, opening security gaps. IoT security is currently neglected in many contexts. For instance, because default settings are never changed, a sizable percentage of devices share the userID and password “admin/admin”.


Because the majority of devices are unnoticeable to organisations, security has largely become an afterthought. Simply put, there is no way for hospitals, casinos, airports, cities, etc. to see every device connected to their networks. Security threats are increasing as a result. In the first half of 2021, there have been more than 1.5 billion attacks against IoT devices, or roughly twice as many as in the prior year.

Key points:

  • These days, enthusiasm in the Internet of Things is growing quickly across all industries.


  • IoT assists the healthcare sector in lowering costs, maintaining databases, and cutting waste.


  • IoT assists manufacturing sectors with cost management, resource allocation, and process tracking.


  • IoT enables the agriculture sector to use cutting-edge equipment and guarantee sustainable farming.


  • IoT enables the automation of processes in the hospitality sector, making it simpler for hotels to cut waste, increase efficiency, and enhance culture.

Life and the workplace are changing as a result of the Internet of Things (IoT). There won’t be a shortage of fresh business opportunities as a result in the upcoming years. The Internet of Things (IoT) is an emerging trend that has been slowly gaining traction over the past few years.


The Internet of Things (IoT) is transforming people’s lives and workplaces. As a result, new business opportunities will be plentiful in the coming years. The Internet of Things (IoT) is a phenomenon that has grown slowly over the past few years and is only now becoming mainstream.

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